Katana VentraIP

Welcome to My World of Numerology!

Would you like to know more about Numerology? Are you a believer of the Science of Numbers? Are you interested in finding out more on how it provides information and clarity in your life decisions now and in the future?

About Me

Ever since childhood, I have had a fascination about numbers. I saw my life as a number: I was number 2 of a group of 6 children. Each year at primary school I was always measured as the tallest. Around 16 years of age, I started to experience wonderful and strange visions that encouraged me to learn about the spiritual and esoteric arts forms. As I loved numbers I commenced studing for my accountancy degree. Around the same time, I was introduced to Numerology by a family member. I was hooked from the first moment when I discovered my own Birth Chart truly resinated with me!
My journey in Numerology has continued with me today. I truly hope you enjoy my stories about Numerology and how we are given this great gift at birth to assist us in our life choices.

Contact Us


PO Box 680 Kallangur Qld 4503

